FII Stands With Supporters of US-Israel Relationship
Remarks for 2012 AIPAC Atlanta Community Event
Honorable members of Congress, elected officials, members of AIPAC and other distinguished guests; it is an honor to be here representing the Friends of Israel Initiative, and to be among some of the world’s most effective friends of Israel: you, members of AIPAC.
2012-01-30 by José María Aznar
Award instituted by the Embassy of Israel in Spain
Remarks for the Samuel Hadas Awards Ceremony
An important part of the vision of Samuel Hadas, and I think I’m right on the mark when I say that today Spaniards know more about Israel in richer detail and nuance. Trading exchanges, the tourist flow, the cultural relationship ... the engagement has grown deeper as it should be among two friendly countries enjoying healthy, easy going, and dynamic relations.
2012-01-18 by José María Aznar
The Friends of Israel Initiative mourns the passing of Czech President Vaclav Havel, one of our Founding Members
Statement on the Passing of Founding Member Vaclav Havel
We will forever be grateful for his support and leadership, and humbled by his exemplary and steadfast courage in the face of immense odds.
2011-12-19 by The Friends of Israel Initiative Members
Article published at the National Review/Digital
Friends in Need
Jay Nordlinger, in the National Review’s issue of July 4th 2011, takes a close look at the Friends of Israel Initiative, its fight to defend Israel’s right to exist as a normal country and the principles that moved its founder.
2011-07-04 by Jay Nordlinger
Friends of Israel Initiative in the AIPAC Policy Conference
The following is the speech delivered by the FoII Chairman José María Aznar to the AIPAC Policy Conference, last 24th May in Washington.
2011-05-24 by José María Aznar
What Israel Means To Me
If one takes a look at the region, from Morocco to Pakistan, there’s only one island of stability and prosperity: Israel; and there are only two democracies: Israel and Iraq.
2011-04-10 by Rafael Bardají
CAMERA honors The Friends of Israel Initiative
FOII’s Chairman José María Aznar received the CAMERA’s Emet Award in New York on April 10th. The Chairman reviewed the important events that have taken place in the Muslim world in the past few months.
2011-04-10 by José María Aznar
Miami, February 29 2012
Remarks at De la Cruz Art Gallery
We have kept to tracks and levels of activities. On the one hand we develop our public activities, like the one taking place tomorrow a Miami university under the auspices of its President, Dona Shalala, when we spread our message; on the other hand, we as I said before, we engage in direct and private conversations wit current leaders across the world. We try to be as educative as possible on both kind of activities.
2011-02-28 by Jose María Aznar